So, basically, today was Alexander’s first ever solo showcase live in Malaysia. It was at Leisure Mall outdoor at Cheras. The whole road was blocked just for Xander! Thank god it didnt rain cause the showcase was at outdoor. Even Xander thanked god. The showcase started at 7pm after letting fans going in. VIP X ZONE, the zone which where Jolene, Kar Yan, Vivian, Xi Yuan and I was. The closest zone from the stage. Oh yeah, last minute we got like extra 8 A ZONE tickets lol didnt know what to do, Vivian going around selling and aiming targets. Manage to sell them off luckily.
Xander sang new songs from his album, Oh Baby, I just, Bad Girl and extra 2 songs which are That Man from Secret Garden and Qing Fei De Yi from Meteor Garden *ok, both songs have garden in their titles lol. Anyway, he did the body wave thing during Bad girl and of course, the fans went wild. He sang Oh Baby again for encore, and threw posters and water bottle haha. Well his dancers wore a shirt caption ALEXANDER in pink and threw it to the crowds. KarYan got a poster! ;p
OH AND THE BEST PART WAS when they screened the video contest winner’s video to the public. First was Angeline’s, then Mimi and Hanani’s, then mine and Jolene’s! Well, fans screamed when they saw Xander doing the cute dog and sexy cat thing. Never expect Soya Beanz, the main organizer would actually play it. It was nice anyways ;D We didnt expect it at all, more like a surprise for us.
The shuffles, doing body waves, act cute, being naughty, teasing fans by lifting up the corner of his shirt, half revealing his abs. *NOSE BLEED TO THE MAX!! he said I know you guys want it :p of course! who doesnt! He said he gave most of his “FIRST” to Malaysia. Like having lunch gathering and previewed his I just MV! OH and Xander loves durian! <3
He started the fan sign early. Soya Beanz said that we can let him sign on Calender and album BOTH but since they’re scared that he might not be able to finish them, they let us choose only ONE thing to let Xander sign. Well since i bought the album, will just let him sign on it! Now i have more than enought stuffs with Xander’s autograph but i just cant get over it! not until i get my piano signed! haha *crazy~
I hope Xander can get some rest after the performance! Even im tired, cant imagine what’s Xander going through. But im sure he felt happy, really happy that so many fans came to his show, he was expecting only half of the crowd! Please support Xander with more love and cheers will you? <3 He made a promised to all the lunch gathering fans that he will tweet a photo of all of us, hope he keeps his promise <3 keep our fingers crossed girls! Follow Xander on twitter for more news @alexander_0729 and also the video contest winners for more details regarding the lunch gathering, maybe? Me @ColeneHyori, Jolene @jolenefsw, Fatin Hanani @fatin_hanani, Mimi @mimithesorandom
dated 2011/12/18 <3
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