Finally won something after a 5 month pause, MTV World Stage in Malaysia 2012, having Jay Park, Kara, Justin Bieber and Mizz Nina as the major line-ups! I won a pair of instant win tickets. MTV Asia is having a game session where you have to click on alphabets to form the words given. After you successfully click on all the alphabets, you will either win any one of the below:
1. Instant win : You will have to fill up only your particulars as fast as you can and click submit. Then the coming screen will pop out stating whether have you win those tickets, if you do, the picture below is what they will say. And this is what I won. Click the photos to view full size.

I remember winning the same thing (instant win) last year when MTV World Stage was having Beast, 30 seconds to Mars, Pop Shuvit and Tokio Hotel as the line-ups. Sadly I wasn't able to attend although I got the tickets thanks to my government examination, SPM. It was around July and it was kinda late, so gotta give up the tickets. Below are the pictures of the screen cap and my tickets, I still have them in my drawer :)
It was a snail mail from Singapore cause I think MTV Asia is based in Singapore, even the envelope was attractive and nicely designed :D worth the keeping, with my name on it (censored)
The pair of tickets, the quality was nice and it is water proof. Nice tickets!
Nearly got a heart attack when I saw this popped out, I guess everybody else did too.
2. Stand a chance to win : If you get this (I'm sure most of the people who click the alphabets correct will straightaway stand a chance) you are required to write why do you deserve to win the tickets to watch MTV World Stage in Malaysia 2012 with word limits of 250. After completing the form, you might stand a chance to win the tickets, the winner list will be out 2 days after the game session ends. Check your email regularly after that!
3. Miscellaneous : You might win goodies from MTV Asia by luck! Digital photo frame, festival tickets and etc.
Here are some tips on how to win the tickets from MTV Asia!
1. Have a good Internet connection. The faster your Internet is, the faster you will be able to submit your entry. Don’t delay in filling up your particulars when prompted!
2. You don’t need to be a genius to play our word game. The one thing you don’t want to be is impatient. You might just click on a wrong letter if you’re in haste!
3. Determine what you think is the best times to win passes. There are thousands of people out there trying to win passes and you will be battling all of them to be one of the winners. Do the math and work out the probability of your chances of winning. Wee hours of the night or morning might be a good time as there are less people trying to vie for passes with you.
4. Luck plays a factor too. If you don’t succeed, just keep on trying!
5. If you want more tips from fellow contestants, follow the Twitter hashtag at #worldstagemy. There's a pretty neat community out there who will definitely help you out!
Join the game
Anyway, JayPark and Kara here I come!!
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